Friday, October 15, 2010

Confessions of former NFL agent Josh Luchs - - Magazine

Confessions of former NFL agent Josh Luchs - - Magazine

So I am sure most people have heard about this guy by now! Well if you haven't, this is a very intriguing article about an agent, Josh Luchs, coming clean about giving student athletes large sums of money while they were still in school. Check it out!


  1. finally! someone to say it! makes what is happening to SC pretty unfair. Im sure it goes on at any major football school. Even BYU. and no one gets nailed for it or investigated except USC. It is too hard to control. Impossible actually. Makes americas sport look bad, but im glad he came out. nobody likes the poor guy now though lol

  2. I agree, it took a lot of guts to do what he did
